garry cormack garry cormack

Lochnagar Sunset

With glorious weather all week I had an itching to get up high for a camp and take in the sunset over the Cairngorms

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Walks garry cormack Walks garry cormack

Bennachie - A long history to be discovered

Each time I go out for a walk I like to learn something new. I've been using field study council publications for a while now, they produce great fold out study guides that fit easily into my rucksack, ranging from lichens to rocks.

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Walks garry cormack Walks garry cormack

Morven in the snow

Morven in Aberdeenshire is a Corbett standing at 871m. There are a couple of ways to go up the hill, from Logie Coldstone side. You can also approach from the west, taking in Mona Gowan (749m) or from Ballater.

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Walks garry cormack Walks garry cormack

A day out hiking with Viewranger

I went up Bennachie last November to take in the sunset, it was one of those days where a warm south westerly wind was bringing over beautiful lenticular clouds, with plenty of visibility, so great for photography. I took a few photos that day, in all directions and I also took one using ViewRanger's new Skyline addition.

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Walks garry cormack Walks garry cormack

Braemar wander, views, planes and squirrels...

I had a great wee wander in Braemar yesterday, the village was looking festive in the frost and the Christmas tree looked fab with it's woollen decorations! A double shot coffee in the Bothy helped warm me up too, minus 8 degC wakes your senses in the morning.

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Walks garry cormack Walks garry cormack

Sunset walks

Such a stunning weekend had to be finished off with a family walk up a hill to take in the sunset.

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Uncategorized garry cormack Uncategorized garry cormack

Carnferg - a small hill with large views

It was far too bright and fresh today to sit inside typing emails and doing chores so I headed for a hill nearby. Carnferg up the Fungle road from Aboyne is a great wee walk, with the sun beaming through the trees and crunching iced turf below my feet, a pleasant 3 hours it was!

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Walks garry cormack Walks garry cormack

Foehn Wind Skies

It was 14degC when I went up my first hill this morning, Scolty Hill near Banchory. It wasn't long before Sarah and I had our coats off as we walked along the quiet path, away from the main route, walking on top of a blanket of Larch needles.

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